Sunday, February 7, 2010

goodbye weekend, i'll miss you

i had a lazy night in on friday and watched 'girls just want to have fun'. why are 80's dance movies so good!?

coffee! beans are from sightglass

i finished my weaving for tomorrow's critique. it's just a sampler of swedish huck lace. it reminds me a lot of the weavings from copan in guatemala...though, not nearly as beautiful! 

i read 'shopgirl' by steve martin on saturday night. i was a little skeptical because i really didn't like the movie when i saw it so many years ago. the book is WAY better, as is often the case. you really get a better sense of the characters and the intent (known or unknown) of their actions. i think it helps that i don't have to think of steve martin as the 'bad guy.' i hated that about the movie. i prefer to think of steve martin like this :

(the first song i learned on my ukulele!)

or my favorite :

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