Friday, June 11, 2010


i'm so excited! i got an internship that i was really really wanting and i start on monday! it's with alula editions which was started by two awesome artists, helena keeffe and amber cady. we'll be working with other artists, creating repeat patterns to print onto yardage and then using that for functional and art objects to send out to our subscribers....phewf! i'm feeling like it's going to pretty much be the raddest thing ever. i'm excited to work with artists and screenprint and learn the businessy side of things as well!
for the month of july, we'll be working out of the royal nonesuch gallery in oakland and then at the marin headlands center for the arts in august.
off topic: in honor of their new album due out in's a little semi-recent vaselines for ya...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

new project...

i spoke to my old friend, jarrod, on saturday. we have pretty similar backgrounds in terms of religious views and associations. i believed for a long time in christ and god and all of the bible's teachings and happenings until i began listening to my doubts and asking questions. i walked away from all of that when i was 21. it was the hardest decision of my life, but was the best decision i ever made. that is obviously a very brief summary.
jarrod and i (along with a butt load of people around the world) both feel like the bible has some good things to say in terms of morality (let's not get into an apologetics debate, here) but those things tend to get thrown on the back burner or overshadowed by the more 'fire and brimstone' or 'weeping and gnashing of teeth' aspects of the book.
i don't mean for this to be an anti-religion posting, by the way. i have a lot of christian friends who i greatly respect, and who are much smarter than i. i just want to give some background for this new project that jarrod asked me to be a part of! i don't want to give too much away because the veggies have just been thrown in the pot and need some time to stew, but it's something that will allow me to use that HUGE part of myself and my life in my artwork, which i have previously been kind of afraid to do. and that's what art is about, right? (let's not get into a 'what is art' debate, here.) so, i'm SUPER DUPER excited about it!

anyway, here is something that jarrod wrote...

So God visited me the other day because I have been challenging Him to prove His existence and He showed up at my house. We went out for drinks. I had none. He had many. After a lot of chatter and much beer, on His part, we stumbled upon the topic of The Ten Commandments. I inquired as to why only a few of them seem applicable to life and the others seem pretty pointless and vain. He told me that at the time Moses visited Him, He was in the dumps because of all the killing He had been doing and just wasn’t Himself. Plus, He felt fat that day. He admitted to just making them up on the spot because He forgot that Moses had an appointment with Him. Now, He has had more time to think about and observe human behavior and decided to change them. I borrowed a pen from the bartender and started writing everything down on cocktail napkins.

The following is the gist of what He said. I couldn’t get every word because He talks so fast. Also, I omitted most of the profanity. (He was pretty drunk at the time.) Here goes, in no particular order:

The Ten Commandments v2.0

1. The Golden Rule – This is an easy one. Do unto others as you would have done to you. God was actually going to put this in the original draft but he assumed it too elementary to mention. Don’t kill, rape, steal and all the bullshit that doesn’t do any good for anyone.

2. Maintain Perspective – All life is, is the way you process the world around you. That’s it, in a nutshell. Most situations can be changed to alter the way you feel about them even when the end result is the same. When we lose money in the laundry, we are pissed. When we lose it at gun point, and get away with our lives, we are relieved. If a storm knocks out a window, we are bummed. If a vandal knocks out a window, we are angry. In either case the outcome is the same, you are out money or a window, but the emotions can be very different. Try not to get mad simply because there is someone to get mad at. Try. God knows it’s hard, but try. If a situation can, in your mind, be manipulated to be okay, then it is probably not worth being upset over. If it cannot, such as a family member dying or something of that nature, then it is worth getting upset over. It’s all a test. Life is a constant test. Don’t fail.

3. Be Present – Find the time in your life when you are completely present, sometime when you are not thinking of yesterday or tomorrow. Some people find this at a gym, on a stage, listening to music, spending time with a loved one or a pet. Whatever it is, find it and do it as much as possible. Do the fuck out of it. It’s real living.

4. Don’t Fuck with Kids – Ever. Do not harm them physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or in any way. If you don’t like kids, don’t have them. Children don’t know shit and they will trust anyone and believe anything. DO NOT betray that trust. Ever. Fucking Ever.

5. Trust Your Gut – God said that He is irritated that we have an intuition and we ignore it so much. If you feel like something is wrong, something probably is. Listen to it. It’s your friend and nay, will it ever steer you wrong.

6. Atone – None of us are even potentially perfect. You will mess up and you will do it often and that’s okay. Fix it. Do whatever you can to make it right. Clean up your mess. This can be an apology or washing cars for a summer to earn money to repair a window you broke. If there is a way to set it straight, do it. Swallow your pride. Wipe your ass.

7. Pull Your Weight – Don’t be a lazy fuck. Contribute.

8. Don’t Trash the Place – God told me that He understands that there will be collateral damage along the way. Just try to keep it to a minimum. Do not apply any undo harm or malice to the Earth or the animals that have to endure the never ending shit storm that is living with humans. Cut back on the bad. Cut way back.

9. Destroy Yourself as Slowly as Possible – Yes, it is cliché to say, “You’re only given one body. Take care of it.” The Lord knows you are not going to stop smoking, drinking, eating bad and finding every other way to pollute your body. Just try to ease up. Life is short (another cliché), but it is really fucking true. There is no need to speed up the process.

10. Struggle – If there is something that you are not fighting day in and day out, then you are not living right. Practice some restraint. Practice, because it must be done with frequency, like anything else, to become better at it. It’s hard at first and that’s good. It will make you strong. Toughen you up. Sacrifice something for someone not because you deem them worthy of the effort, but for the effort itself. Fight some addiction, weakness, habit, character flaw or anything of that nature. Fight it until you defeat it. Then pick a new victim. One foot in front of the next. Character and self-respect are awesome because you can’t fake them.

There you have it, straight from the Horses’ mouth. Oh, I forgot to mention, God is a Horse.

Friday, May 28, 2010


i kind of want to hide in my home and read all weekend. here are two books i started...

just kids by patti smith

2666 by roberto bolano
and maybe listen to a little music...

i know, i am so 90's.
ps - you can find these books and more at your local independent bookstore, of course!
pps - you can find your local independent bookstore here!

Friday, May 21, 2010

thanks to my friend cat, i found out that colette patterns is having a sale...30% off! so i bought these super cute patterns...

i'm thinking of printing my lace pattern in red on a blush background for the sencha top

and maybe a grey herringbone for the parfait dress?

ps - i'm feeling the urge to watch the gilmore girls again...for the 5th time...

photos courtesy of colette patterns


those who know me know that i'm slightly obsessed with old things. i love browsing through the commons on flickr for the beautiful photographs from the early 1900's.

that parasol!

that pose!

that grace!

that sweetness!

that dress!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


i just love this scene!

...and speaking of...wasn't anna karina lovely...

...and speaking of...wasn't jean paul belmondo a dream boat...

i'm gonna have to put on a godard film

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

some things i made this semester

as i mentioned before, my semester has ended & i have like 4 months off!! i thought i'd post pictures of a few things i made...

screenprinted wool and silk organza inspired by battenburg lace collars. i sewed a few clusters of sequins on the shoulder and on the side where the organza meets the wool.

naked ladies on silk dupioni. first of all, this silk is AMAZING in person...i bought it at stone mountain and daughter in berkeley. i printed some lace dresses as a second layer on silk organza, but they didn't quite match up properly. i think i like it better without them anyway!

pearls on organza. inspired by a clutch i have...i wanted this piece to be sort of an ode to femininity.

screenprint over itajime on wool gabardine.

some more photos are here!


well, blog, i am back. after a whirlwind of a semester (the hardest one yet), i finally have time to think and post about things i like!

i came across this amazing apartment on design*sponge a few days ago and fell in love. it makes me want to paint my walls and get some awesome rugs.

first of all, they have a foosball table. those of you that know me know that i rock the socks in foosball.

i love the reds, pinks and greens! that fabric on the chair looks peruvian to me. awesome!

that wall with that rug...amazing.

photos from design*sponge

Thursday, February 25, 2010


this was the highlight of my week! i got the exact effect that i've been wanting with this lace design. i can't wait to make more and more and more!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

arty-school things

a new print i'm working on! it's inspired by an antique clutch purse i have...bunches of pearls in scalloped patterning. i really wanted just a blush of pink, but it turned out to be a bit more of a bubblegum. i'm okay with bubblegum! 2 more stencils to go!

the reception for 'a paper+cloth dream' was last night. christina and simon came! this is christina taking a one-handed picture of my name. i made this print for's owls, magnolias and a torchon lace background. after i printed it, i realized that it also reminds me of my granny. her late husband (my mom's dad) loved owls and she has always loved magnolias! i may have to print another one.

i love these girls!

my print - 'grey garden' 

our department chair, richard, in his super cute vest 

my lace print was the first print you see when you walk in the gallery!

i made a hat. i wet felted the wool into a hat shape, needle felted it to death, then nuno felted some silk organza...dipped them both in indigo, and sewed the whole thing together! voila!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

goodbye weekend, i'll miss you

i had a lazy night in on friday and watched 'girls just want to have fun'. why are 80's dance movies so good!?

coffee! beans are from sightglass

i finished my weaving for tomorrow's critique. it's just a sampler of swedish huck lace. it reminds me a lot of the weavings from copan in guatemala...though, not nearly as beautiful! 

i read 'shopgirl' by steve martin on saturday night. i was a little skeptical because i really didn't like the movie when i saw it so many years ago. the book is WAY better, as is often the case. you really get a better sense of the characters and the intent (known or unknown) of their actions. i think it helps that i don't have to think of steve martin as the 'bad guy.' i hated that about the movie. i prefer to think of steve martin like this :

(the first song i learned on my ukulele!)

or my favorite :

Thursday, January 28, 2010

breakfast and such

i know, it's a lot of mini wheats...but i just can't resist! i just love having a good cup of coffee and a big bowl of cereal in the morning. perfect.

a mini installation i did - needle felted triangles strung together with sewing thread. multiplied multiples!

i love red lips! this is a combination of mac's' beet' lipcolor and l'oreal's 'british red' lipstick. it has more of a pink tint in person. also, i have discovered that it is quite difficult to take a decent picture of yourself in the bathroom mirror.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

some things...

i am really trying to get better at actually photographing things i make! i like using my dressform...

i photographed some recent screen prints i did...the lighting is very moody due to today's cloudy weather and my kitchen's lack of lighting, but i like it

owls & magnolias - 5 color screen print

lace - 3 color screen print

tesselation - 1 color screen print

and here are some other little things...

fuzzy felted flower pin - also moody

circle scarf - happy & sunny

christina's flower pin - sunny & happy that christina is okay (long story)


yes, yes i am the worst blogger. though, i'm okay with writing once a month, if you're okay with reading once a month...all you readers out there.

well, i had a lovely day today. i met up with jenna for breakfast at piedmont cafe...mmm french toast! then we went to the depot for creative reuse on telegraph for a little shopping, we totally lucked out! today was 50% off all vintage items! who knew there was such a day? 

here are 2 of my finds:

 a doily for 50 cents

the cutest purse EVER: jenna spotted this and then graciously let me buy it...she could tell that i was in love

i also bought a pretty blush colored table cloth, sabrina on vhs (i can't believe i don't own it considering my only tattoo is from this dress), and this 70's butterick pattern! everything for only $10. i love today.

now it's time to buckle down and do some schoolwork.