My main goals were to eat, shop, and see I love lucy's apartment (which doesn't actually exist I found out!) I had super great fish and chips at A Salt and Fish Battery in Greenwich Village, which my sister suggested. There were real British guys working there, too!! We went to Serendipity for frozen hot chocolate on our last day and I think I want to paint my apartment pink and grey because of it! We ate real New York bagels (sorry NYC, but I didn't taste that much of a difference.) I had a slice of pizza at the Museum of Natural History and accidentally covered it in garlic thinking it was parmesan, so I don't think I really got a good pizza experience. I didn't ever get a chance to eat at the street vendors, either. So I am definitely planning on going back!
As far as shopping goes, I went to Canal St. and looked at fake stuff, I went to 5th Ave. and looked at real stuff, and that's about it...except for the occasional H&M visit, which was a lot
because they are on every corner it seems. I bought an awesome Pale Force poster on clearance at the NBC store! I was really excited about it because I love Conan.
The humidity made me miss my perfect Oakland weather! It rained almost every evening at 6pm sharp! I would love to go back in the fall or spring....or maybe even winter!! real snow!!
Anyway, now I feel like I am rambling a here are some pictures!!......

me at the wedding in my super cute vintage dress i got at the alameda flea market back home

view of the hudson river from the empire state building

those super great fish n' chips i was telling you about

walking around madison square park

how american!
you can see more pictures on my flickr
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